Frequent asked questions
How can i change the default keyboard layout ?
edit globalsettings.ini files and change the variable keyboard_layouts
How can i change the folder where vagrant download the boxes ?
vagrant download the boxes by default on ~/.vagrant.d/ folder. Set up the VAGRANT_HOME environment variable to change this location.
How can i change the folder where virtualbox create the box ?
Go to virtualbox preferences and change the virtualbox vm location folder.
I already got a lab installed with v2, is v3 will use it ?
Sorry no, the v3 of GOAD doesn't look for already installed lab. Best way to migrate is trash your old lab and build a new one.
Can i use goad to create a course for my student ?
Sure GOAD is a GPL project. Feel free to reuse it to give course. Just don't forget to give credits to the project ;)