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🚀 Installation

In the last version, GOAD use no more bash for the installation/management script. The goad management script is now written in python to permit more flexibility and cover the needs to create a Windows WSL support.

TLDR - quick install

TLDR : ubuntu 22.04 quick install
# Install vbox
sudo apt install virtualbox

# Install vagrant
wget -O- | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hashicorp.list
sudo apt update && sudo apt install vagrant

# Install Vagrant plugins
vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload vagrant-vbguest winrm winrm-fs winrm-elevated

# Add some dependencies
sudo apt install sshpass lftp rsync openssh-client python3.10-venv

git clone
git checkout -b v3-beta origin/v3-beta
# verify installation
./ -t check -l GOAD -p virtualbox

# install
./ -t install -l GOAD -p virtualbox

# launch goad in interactive mode


  • Goad in python come with a lot of dependencies as you can see in the requirements.yml file on the root of the project.
  • If you don't want to run the provisioning from your python venv but only from docker you can use script instead of This will run the ansible with the docker method instead of local or runner.

This are the python dependencies used by goad :

  • Mandatory for


  • Mandatory for ansible inside goad (for provisioning method local or runner) :

    # Ansible

  • Mandatory for azure provider :

    # AZURE

  • Mandatory for aws provider :

    # AWS

  • Mandatory for proxmox provider:

    # Proxmox

  • You can launch goad without installing all the pip package but for that you will have to disable some dependencies with the -d arguments:

    -d vmware     : disable vmware provider
    -d virtualbox : disable virtualbox provider
    -d azure      : disable azure provider
    -d aws        : disable azure provider
    -d proxmox    : disable proxmox provider
    -d ludus      : disable ludus provider
    -d local      : disable local provisioning method (if you use docker only)
    -d runner     : disable ansible runner provisioning method (if you use docker only)
    -d remote     : disable remote provisioning method
    -d docker     : disable docker provisioning method


  • Installation is in three parts :

    • Templating : this will create the template to use (needed only for proxmox and ludus)
    • Providing : this will instantiate the virtual machines depending on your provider
    • Provisioning : it is always made with ansible, it will install all the stuff to create the lab
  • GOAD script cover the providing and provisioning part

  • The install script take multiple parameters:

    • -p : the provider to use (vmware/virtualbox/proxmox/ludus/azure/aws)
    • -l : the lab to install (GOAD/GOAD-Light/SCCM/NHA/MINILAB)
    • -m : the method of installation (local/runner/docker/remote), most of the time don't change it
    • -ip : the ip range to use
  • The easy way is just launch ./ and use help ?in the interactive prompt

Configuration files


  • On the first launch goad create a global configuration file at : $HOME/.goad/goad.ini this file contains some default configuration and some parameters needed by some providers.

  • If you change the [default] config it will change the default selection when goad start

  • Others configurations are related to specific providers
; lab: goad / goad-light / minilab / nha / sccm
lab = GOAD
; provider : virtualbox / vmware / aws / azure / proxmox
provider = vmware
; provisioner method : local / remote
provisioner = local
; ip_range (3 first ip digits)
ip_range = 192.168.56

aws_region = eu-west-3
aws_zone = eu-west-3c

az_location = westeurope

pm_api_url =
pm_user = infra_as_code@pve
pm_node = GOAD
pm_pool = GOAD
pm_full_clone = false
pm_storage = local
pm_vlan = 10
pm_network_bridge = vmbr3
pm_network_model = e1000

winserver2019_x64 = 102
winserver2016_x64 = 103
winserver2019_x64_utd = 104
windows10_22h2_x64 = 105

; api key must not have % if you have a % in it, change it by a %%
ludus_api_key = change_me
use_impersonation = yes

Global configuration : globalsettings.ini

  • Goad got a global configuration file : globalsettings.ini used by the ansible provisioning
  • This file is an ansible inventory file.
  • This file is always added at the end of the ansible inventory file list so you can override values here
  • You can change it before running the installation to modify :
    • keyboard_layouts
    • proxy configuration
    • add a route to the vm
    • change the default dns_forwarder
    • disable ssl for winrm communication