Add an extension
- The extension structure MUST be like this :
Create Extension.json
- Create the extension.json file
"name": "my extension",
"description": "Add an extension to goad lab",
"machines": [
"ws02 (myvm.sevenkingdoms.local)"
"compatibility": [
"impact": "blabla"
- If the extension need provisioning (new vm) add in each provider folder the vm(s) needed.
- Providers follow the following types
- Vagrant:
- vmware
- virtualbox
- Terraform:
- aws
- azure
- proxmox
- Ludus
- Vagrant:
- As an example to add a new box for vmware :
- Create the folder
- Add a file named Vagrantfile
- Add the following code for a linux machine (and change box, ip, name, cpu, ram):
- Add the following code for a windows machine (and change box, ip, name, cpu, ram):
- Create the folder
- As an example to add a new box for virtualbox :
- Create the folder
- Add a file named Vagrantfile
- Add the following code for a linux machine (and change box, ip, name, cpu, ram):
- Add the following code for a windows machine (and change box, ip, name, cpu, ram):
- Create the folder
- As an example to add a new box for azure :
- Create the folder
- Add a file ( or depending of the type of vm
- For a linux box ( file) (change box sku, ip, name, box size):
- For a windows box ( file) (change box sku, ip, name, box size):
- Create the folder
- As an example to add a new box for aws :
- Create the folder
- Add a file ( or depending of the type of vm
- For a linux box ( file) (change box sku, ip, name, box size):
- For a windows box ( file) (change box sku, ip, name, box size):
- Find AMI example :
- Create the folder
- As an example to add a new box for proxmox :
- Create the folder
- Add a file ( or depending of the type of vm
- For a linux box ( file) (and change characteristics):
- For a windows box ( file) (and change characteristics):
- Create the folder
be sure to have the template ready to get clone (you should prepare it with packer first)
- As an example to add a new box for ludus :
- Create the folder
- Add a file config.yml
- For a linux box ( file) (and change characteristics):
- For a windows box ( file) (and change characteristics):
- Create the folder
be sure to have the template ready before see
Ansible inventory
- Create the ansible inventory file :
- an example could be :
wazuh ansible_host={{ip_range}}.51 ansible_connection=ssh ansible_ssh_common_args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'
; Recipe associations -------------------
or for a windows machine associated to a domain:
{% if provider_name == 'aws' or provider_name == 'azure' %}
ws01 ansible_host={{ip_range}}.31 dns_domain=dc01 dict_key=ws01 ansible_user=ansible ansible_password=EP+xh7Rk6j90
{% else %}
ws01 ansible_host={{ip_range}}.31 dns_domain=dc01 dict_key=ws01
{% endif %}
- Domain contains all the windows vm associated with a domain. You can install something on all of them by using :
- If you want to add your new vm to that group just add it and it will be merge with the main inventory:
Ansible tasks and roles
The providers to add the vms you need are setup, now you should add the provisioning part.
To do that you must add the file extension/<extension_name>/ansible/install.yml
The file should be the following:
- name: task name
hosts: host_group_according_to_the_inventory
become: yes
- { role: '<role_name>', tags: '<tag_role_name>'}
role_variable: "value"
You should create each ansible role you use in extension/<extension_name>/ansible/roles/<role_name>
- If you need to use goad roles you can include it by creating an ansible.cfg file with the following contents:
# extension/<extension_name>/ansible/ansible.cfg
host_key_checking = false
display_skipped_hosts = false
show_per_host_start = True
deprecation_warning = false
;stdout_callback = yaml
; add default roles folder into roles_path
roles_path = ./roles:../../../ansible/roles
- If you need the lab data for your extension add the following code on the start of the install.yml file:
# read global configuration file and set up adapters
- import_playbook: "../../../ansible/data.yml"
data_path: "../ad/{{domain_name}}/data/"
tags: 'data'
- If you need to combine the lab data with your own json config file add to the install.yml :
# read local configuration file
- name: "Read local config file"
hosts: domain:extensions
connection: local
- "../data/config.json"
- name: merge lab variable with local config
lab: "{{ lab|combine(lab_extension, recursive=True) }}"
- and create the json file in